It’s been a while since I updated this, so here is a recap since the last time I posted.
After Southern Festival of books, I attended a few more conventions before wrapping up 2018. The Full Moon and Horror Fest turned out to be a snoozer. It was split into two locations, and they were not close to one another. Attendance was lite as were the sales.
Hallowcon was its typical good time. Joe McKeel knows how to throw a party. The Nashville Comic Con was fun, although attendance was lite as well. Still, the networking was great at all three.
Then with 2019 starting up, I got to put on my big boy pants and play the part of Master of Ceremonies at Chattacon 44. And by play the part, I mean speaking at the Opening Ceremonies. I wonder if anyone told them I’m terrified of public speaking? Apparently not.
Still, a good time was had by all, and luckily, I didn’t goofy up on anyone’s name.
2019 Has a lot in store. More conventions, more books, and all that. Let’s see how this goes.