The Steampunk & Gothic Expo, 2014 – After Action Report

The Steampunk & Gothic Expo, 2014
After-action Report

When Alan Darr first approached me, early this year about coming to a ‘new’ steampunk convention in Chattanooga, I was all for it. Of course, I wasn’t sure that they could really pull a quality event together in just a few months. Folks I know who work in various conventions had mentioned that most start-up cons take at least a year or more to pull together. So, I was concerned but hoped for the best.
What I found when I arrived was a well-organized event with one of the friendly staffs that I’ve encountered. Check-in was quick and painless. They provided a well-stocked ‘Green Room’ for the guests and vendors. The Dealer’s Room was full of some great steampunk vendors, writers and artist. The ‘steampunk swap meet’ was a big hit. The entertainment, Voltaire, kicked butt and was certainly a hit with the ladies. And the cos-play/costuming was great!
The Dealer’s Room was in the Main Ballroom of the Choo Choo Hotel. While they could have sold more space for vendors, their set-up worked nicely and provided plenty of room for everyone. With it being a first year con, sales were lighter than some of the other Chattanooga conventions, namely Chattacon and Connooga. Having said that, I did more sales at this convention then the last two cons I’ve attended, combined.
There were only a handful of panels. The guest, including myself only had one panel each. Again, it was a first year event and I expect to see a major step-up in the programming next year.  I will say that my panel with the lovely J.L. Mulvihill was perhaps the most enjoyable con panel I’ve ever been on.
Although attendance was light, again… first year con, the Choo Choo was rocking with a lot of familiar faces, friends, fellow writers, and folks from the local and surrounding area’s steampunk communities. Not once over the course of the weekend did I hear anyone complaining or stating that they wouldn’t return. Actually, it was the opposite. Everyone kept stating that they plan on returning in 2015. 

So bottom line is… this was a great con for a first year. If they keep this level of professionalism and organization, next year promises to be incredible. For those that missed it, plan on going in 2015!

Luna’s Children Author Interview with James C. Simpson

Luna’s Children Author Interview with James C. Simpson

Fear the Moonlight!

For countless centuries, mankind has watched as the sun goes down knowing that Luna will rise in its place, to rain her brilliant shards of light upon the Earth. But for the cursed and afflicted, that silvery orb brings horror and death.

In celebration of the release of the two Luna’s Children werewolf anthologies from Dark Oak Press, I’ll be interviewing some of the collection’s authors.

Today’s victim … lucky recipient is James C. Simpson
What sparked your interest in werewolves?

I watched The Wolf Man(1941) with Lon Chaney Jr. when I was younger and always found the plight of the character pitiable. It put him on par with characters like Frankenstein’s Monster and the Phantom of the Opera. The concept was intriguing and I sought out several werewolf films and any of the (limited) literary selection there is. Guy Endore’s The Werewolf Of Paris and James Blish’s There Shall Be No Darkness were among the best I read.


What spawned the idea for your story?

The idea was one bred from my fascination with the Second World War, particularly the war in Europe. I have always wondered what the Third Reich would have done had they been able to conjure the powers of the supernatural. They studied the occult and had strange practices, going back to some pagan roots in Germanic lore, so that inspired me. I thought of how the war was concurring with all of these monsters existing and may perhaps build something more from that in the future. There’s references in the story to this. The werewolf being used as a weapon of war or in this case, a sadistic means of execution and extermination, was something different. Toward the end of the war, Hitler even had a group of particularly vicious soldiers that he dubbed “werewolves,” so there’s that.


Are you a Pantser or Plotter?

I suppose I am a “pantser.” I do plot these things, writing down key pieces of dialogue and other bits that interest me. I have a bare skeleton and just start writing and hope it sticks. The last second reveal was not planned and was off the cuff.


Is there a soundtrack to this story? (A song you think fits… or something you had on while you were writing?)

I remember listening to the more atmospheric and darker bits of Pink Floyd’s The Wall during the writing of this, as well as selections of heavy metal, particularly New Wave Of British Heavy Metal. There was this one song that stood out by a band called “Wolf,” of all things and it was called “Shock Treatment.” That was in rotation, as were songs by Black Sabbath, Angel Witch, Motorhead and Judas Priest etc.


Is this a familiar genre for you… or did you try something new?

I write a lot of Gothic based horror. My preferred prose is that archaic type that the writers of the 19th century enjoyed so well. This was slightly different in that respect, as it was a bit more “modern,” and certainly with a larger dose of action involved. I was wary of the werewolf concept, if only because I feel there were only so many ways to approach it. Either you have the guy who is infected and rejects the notion, much like Larry Talbot in the Universal Wolf Man films. Or you have someone who embraces it, a more modern theme. Or you have a “who is the werewolf?” and you begin that Agatha Christie trajectory where each character is bumped off until we know which one is howling at the moon. Yet, I feel that the werewolf is so less anthologized than vampires or ghosts that I had to try my own hand at the mythology and hope for the best.


What is your next project?

I have contemplated a novel for some time and even an expansion of the universe suggested in my story, “Another Solution.” I have just finished a short story related to Lovecraft’s “From Beyond” and am contemplating a quiet ghost story next.

Thanks for taking some time to chat with us.
Look for James’s story, Another Solution in Luna’s Children.


Luna’s Children Author Interview with Zorknot Robinson

Luna’s Children Author Interview with Zorknot Robinson

Fear the Moonlight!
For countless centuries, mankind has watched as the sun goes down knowing that Luna will rise in its place, to rain her brilliant shards of light upon the Earth. But for the cursed and afflicted, that silvery orb brings horror and death.
In celebration of the release of the two Luna’s Children werewolf anthologies from Dark Oak Press, I’ll be interviewing some of the collection’s authors.
Today’s victim … lucky recipient is Zorknot Robinson



What spawned the idea for your story?
Many werewolf stories deal with a character being tempted into immorality by their curse. I wanted to write about the opposite happening. What if a character completely without moral compunctions was tempted to be a good person? In many ways “Always Hungry” is a mirror image of the usual werewolf story. Also one of my favorite takes on the werewolf genre is the movie “An American Werewolf in London”. So I tried to use the same tone in this story. 
Are you a Pantser or Plotter?
I’m mostly a pantser with a little plotter mixed in. I used to be strictly a pantser, but if I don’t write down a brief sentence or two on where I want the story to go, it doesn’t go anywhere. I outline, if you can call it that, as I write though, just to keep track of the ideas I get while I write a scene. I don’t plan everything out ahead of time. Whenever I try to do that, I end up losing all interest in actually writing the story.
Is there a soundtrack to this story? (A song you think fits… or something you had on while you were writing?)
I would say the soundtrack to “Always Hungry” is something with a fast tempo at the beginning and end, with a country song in the middle. Like Hank Williams played in the middle of a Skrillex concert.
Is this a familiar genre for you or did you try something new?
Speculative fiction is my genre. There are differences between horror, fantasy, and science fiction, but if people actually paid attention to these differences at least half the books in a bookstore would have to be reshelved. I’m sure my differences would be different from other people’s differences anyway. 
What is your next project?
My next project is a near future science fiction novel that I’ve been kicking around for a decade or so. I figure it’s time to get it written before the idea gets hopelessly out of date. I’ve got a lot of stories in different genres that just need a bit of polishing too.
Where can readers keep up with you?

Luna’s Children Author Interview with Melinda LaFevers

Luna’s Children Author Interview with Melinda LaFevers

Fear the full Moon!

For countless centuries, mankind has watched as the sun goes down knowing that Luna will rise in its place, to rain her brilliant shards of light upon the Earth. But for the cursed and afflicted, that silvery orb brings horror and death.

In celebration of the release of the two Luna’s Children werewolf anthologies from Dark Oak Press, I’ll be interviewing some of the collection’s authors.

Today’s victim … lucky recipient is Arlansas’s own, Melinda LaFevers


What sparked your interest in werewolves?

I have a reference book on the history of vampires.  (Did you know that there is an Island in Greece where around 50% of the inhabitants claim to be vampires?)  Anyway, this book stated that one of the theories of where werewolves came from was a vampire that had been killed, but not destroyed properly.  I am also a storyteller, and some of the traditional stories, especially Nordic sagas, feature bersarks and shape changers.


What spawned the idea for your story?

A friend of mine is writing a vampire story, and he wanted one of the charactors to be a wolf who turned to human on the full moon.  He was talking about it, and asked the question “How could a wolf catch the disease of lycanthropy?”  So I wrote it.


Are you a Pantser or Plotter?

Most of the time I’m a Pantser, but sometimes I have a plan.


Is there a soundtrack to this story? (A song you think fits… or something you had on while you were writing?)

Nope – but if you want, I can write one.


Is this a familiar genre for you… or did you try something new?

Something new – this is my first werewolf story, but I hope to write more about her.


What is your next project?

Finish up one of the three fantasy/science fiction novels that I have started, find another anthology to submit a story too, start submitting one of my children’s picture books that I have finished…Oh, and continue to declutter my house!


Where can our readers find you??




Luna’s Children Author Interview with Ray Deen

Luna’s Children Author Interview with Ray Deen

Fear the full Moon!

For countless centuries, mankind has watched as the sun goes down knowing that Luna will rise in its place, to rain her brilliant shards of light upon the Earth. But for the cursed and afflicted, that silvery orb brings horror and death.
In celebration of the release of the two Luna’s Childrenwerewolf anthologies from Dark Oak Press, I’ll be interviewing some of the collection’s authors.
Today’s victim … lucky recipient is Hawaii’s steampunk/pulp writing guru, Ray Deen.

What sparked your interest in werewolves?    
      What’s not to love. Dark nights, fulls moons, a howl cuts through the heart pounding silence… yeah, it’s all good.  All fun until someone gets their entrails ripped out and dirty in the glen, hmm?
What spawned the idea for your story?
      I’ve had an idea for a Western Paranormal novel for a while, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity to dig in deep and play in the sand. Had a blast and want to go back for more.
Are you a Pantser or Plotter?
      Both… somewhat of a hybrid. I tend to start most of my projects in Pantser mode… jumping into the deep end and flailing about until I figure out how deep the water is… then it’s Plotter mode. How do I get back to shore.. or at least somewhere dry? That’s where the plotting comes in.
Is there a soundtrack to this story?
      I have quite a collection of Western Soundtrack Music… cowboy songs, Native American music. It all gets thrown into shuffle when its needed. Good stuff…
Is this a familiar genre for you… or did you try something new?
      Westerns aren’t new to me, I’ve been writing them for years… mostly for my own enjoyment and for friends. But this is a combination of genres that makes me smile. I love it.
What is your next project?
      I have a number of shorts that I’m working on and two novel length WIP that I have in my plotter stage… filling in the blanks and making sure I have things well in hand.
Where can readers find you?

Writing Process Blog Tour: Alan’s Entry

Writing Process Blog Tour: Alan’s Entry


Anyone who keeps up with me knows that I don’t blog much. I’m trying to do better, so as part of this new attempt to talk with readers, I’ve taken The Query Faerie aka Jadah McCoy’s challenge to be a part of her blog tour. If you are not familiar with her, click on her photo and check out her writer (WAIT…. Read the rest of this one first!)

So, a few questions were put to me…

What am I working on?

I think the better question is, what am I not working on. Currently, I have 2 stories that I’m working to get out the door…or at least make the deadline. The first is another ‘Black’ Wolfe story for the next installment of Pro Se Publication’s ‘Black Pulp 2’. The second is a story for Pro Se’s High Adventure History, vol. 2.

Aside from those, I’m working on submissions for the next Capes & Clockwork anthology. I’m also planning 2 new steampunk series and hope to have the first of each out by end of the year. One will be a noir-steampunk series about a detective living in a steampunk’d America. The second, still in the planning stages, will be more in the line of Patrick O’Brian’s Master and Commander series.

Of course, with all the books and stories I’ve had released in the past few months, marketing and promotions is always on the forefront of my activities. That is more work than actually writing the books.


How does my work differ from others of its genre?

I like to think that I add a special flavor to my stories. My steampunk novel, The Lightning Bolts of Zeus, is far more action and adventure than most books of its genre. The more I write, the more I tend to add action to my stories. I love keeping the story moving and the reader engaged.

My pulp stories tends to have more twists than much of what is out there. I love having a twist ending that’ll make the reader tilt their heads and say, ‘Oooo, didn’t see that coming.’.



Why do I write what I do?

I’ve written a few horror stories because we all want to be scared sometimes. Besides, horror is one of the hardest genres to write and I love a challenge. Speaking of challenges, I love writing stories with strong female voices or, in the case of Black Wolfe, a strong black voice. I enjoy that challenge as well.

Steampunk and alternative history have always been favorites of mine, so it was an easy choice for me to go in that direction and put my own person flair on the genres. I grew up as a fan of alternative history and Victorian era sci-fi, Disney’s ‘20,000 Leagues under the Sea’ is a prime example.

How does your writing process work?

That is a loaded question since most of my works have all come about in different ways. Some ideas strike fast and I figure out the details quick and easy. Others take weeks or months to piece together.

For the more complicated stories, I write an outline to help me keep track of what I’m doing and where I plan on going with the plot/characters/story. However, some stories just flow out as I’m writing, making it up as I go and seeing what happens. Those kinds of stories are fun because as the writer, I’m as surprised by what happens as I hope the readers will be.

Once done, I put them aside for a few weeks and write something else before returning to edit and clean them up. One trick I’ve learned is to read the story out loud. If I stumble over a passage or sentence, then I know the reader will. So that helps to clean up a lot of messes before an editor gets a hold of it. Beat readers get the stories after I’m done and I listen to their comments and recommendations. Once I’m satisfied, then the publisher gets it.


Need help?

For anyone trying to break into the writing world, I recommend chatting with other authors and asking advice. I joined the Nashville Writers Meetup Group (NWMG) in 2006, when I decided to really jump into the writing world. The advice I got made my first novel possible. Now-a-days, as an organizer with the NWMG, I try to repay the help I got, forward. So if you have questions or need advice, drop me a line and ask. J

So there you have it. While you’re here, check out my books on the Buy Here page. And check out the next group of writers who’ll be blogging next week. Enjoy!!



Angela Trumbo:

Angela Trumbo is a writer of paranormal and contemporary fiction. She resides in Nashville, Tennessee with her husband and cats.

Alexander S. Brown:


Alexander S. Brown is a Mississippi author who was published in 2008 with his first book,Traumatized.Reviews for this short story collection were so favorable that it has been released as a special edition by Pro Se Publishing.Brown is currently one of the co-editors/coordinators with the Southern Haunts Anthologies published by Seventh Star Press.His upcoming horror novel, Syrenthia Falls is represented by Dark Oak Press.He is also the author of multiple young adult steampunk stories found in the Dreams of Steam Anthologies and the anthologies, Clockwork Spells and Magical Bells, and Capes and Clockworks. Some of his more extreme work can be found in the short story anthology, Luna’s Children.

A.G. Porter:


A.G. Porter is the author of The Darkness Trilogy, a YA Paranormal Thriller. She is an Independent Author (Indie Author) who enjoys writing scary stories as much as she loves reading them. Currently, AG is working on the last book in the trilogy. When she isn’t writing, she’s either taking pictures, reading, watching movies or spending much needed time with her family. A.G. loves in New Hope, Alabama with her husband, Billy, stepson, Brenton, and their 4 dogs.

M. B. Weston:

M. B. Weston is an award-winning fantasy, young adult, steampunk, and paranormal author. The Elysian Chronicles, , her fantasy series about guardian angel warfare and treason, has been referred to as, “…filling a big part of the void that will be left by the final Harry Potter,” by award-winning author, Vincent O’Neil. Weston’s writing attracts both fantasy and non-fantasy readers, and her audience ranges from upper-elementary students to adults. Weston’s first paranormal thriller, Unleashed (working title), is slated for release in Summer 2014. Also in Winter 2013, two of her short stories were featured in both a paranormal and a Steam Punk anthology.
Weston is also a radio talk show host for The Final Cut in Movies, which airs on A gifted orator, Weston has been invited as a guest speaker to numerous writing and science fiction/fantasy panels at conventions across the US, including DragonCon, BabelCon, NecronomiCon, and ImagiCon. She has served on panels with such authors as Sherrilyn Kenyon, J. F. Lewis, Todd McCaffrey, and Jonathan Maberry. Weston has spoken to thousands of students and adults about the craft of writing and has been invited as the keynote speaker at youth camps and at several schools throughout the US.

About M. B. Weston

Bishop and Hancock’s Pulse Fiction (Volume 1) is here!

Bishop and Hancock’s Pulse Fiction (Volume 1)
Now available!


My latest story is out and here is what the publisher says about the books:

A two fisted, gun toting Private Eye! A Member of the French Foreign Legion waist deep in Intrigue! A Lady with a taste for Diamonds and Danger! Heroes many have thought lost to yesterday now blast their way into today in BISHOP AND HANCOCK’S PULSE FICTION! A Concept conceived by noted author Paul Bishop and contributed to by author and publisher Tommy Hancock, PULSE FICTION takes the best of the past and shakes and stirs it with today’s finest Genre Fiction writers! Encounter a cast of characters created by Bishop and Hancock and written into four color, over the top life by Eric Beetner, Barry Reese, D. Alan Lewis, Brian Drake, James Hopwood, and Hancock. Just like the bygone magazines of the past, PULSE FICTION brings rich, vibrant characters embroiled in death defying adventure to readers, characters that will return in later volumes crafted by these and a whole myriad of other authors! Want stories that will get your heart racing, your blood pumping? You’ll find them here in BISHOP AND HANCOCK’S PULSE FICTION VOLUME ONE!


I’m proud to say that my story ‘Cry Blood’ is included in this great collection, written by some of the best names in the New Pulp genre. The story follows the adventures of Thomas Gunn, yes… Tommy Gunn. The character was the brain child of Pro Se’s Tommy Hancock. Usually, I’m reluctant about writing a story with someone else’s characters. I like creating my own, giving them some dark background or fatal flaws. But, Hancock gave me a very basic plot idea (A girl shows up at Gunn’s door, and everyone around her dies) and a very… very basic description of the character. Still, I was reluctant. I pushed the story off until the last minute and finally broke down and started thinking of what to do with this guy.

Having said that, ‘Cry Blood’ is in my humble opinion, one of my best stories. Once the idea came, the words flowed out quickly and the character took a life that I was very happy with. He may have been created in the mind of someone else, but I enjoyed giving him life.

So… buy the book, read the story and tell me what you think. I’d love to know if folks want to see more of ‘Tommy Gunn’.

Lots of stuff coming up.

Lots of stuff coming up.
So this year has been hell for me, personally.  But writing-wise, things have been good. I’m not going to go into the personal crap, but I wanted to give folks a heads-up about what’s coming down the road.

Within the next couple of weeks, I have two stories being released.  The first is a pirate tale, a fictional account of the lady pirate, Anne Bonny’s last great adventure.

In reality, Bonny, after being captured along with her husband, Calico Jack Rackham and Mary Reed, was imprisoned in the Royal prison in Spanish Town, Jamaica. Rackham was executed for piracy, while Bonny and Reed were spared a death sentence after ‘pleading the belly’ (being pregnant). Reed later died from an illness and fever. Bonny, however, seems to have disappeared from recorded history.  Some speculate that her father bought her freedom and returned her to Charlestown, South Carolina. Others say she died in prison.

While the true history of Bonny’s fate is unknown, I decided that she should have one last, great adventure. ‘Anne Bonny’s Revenge’ will be featured in Pro Se Production’s ‘Tall Pulp’.

The second story is a pulp adventure called, ‘Cry Blood’. It’ll be featured in Pro Se Production’s ‘Pulse Fiction’. The story centers on Thomas ‘Tommy’ Gunn, P.I. and all around scoundrel.
When a young woman in trouble shows up at his door, Tommy takes the case. What he doesn’t count on is that everyone around her end up dying in horrible ways. Can Tommy figure out what is happening before he becomes another victim?


Beyond this, Capes & Clockwork 2 is in the works, bringing back many of the authors from the first and a few new ones. Also, an unnamed short story collection is in the works. An untitled Steampunk project is in the works. The planned serialized Port Victoria books are on temporary hold, but hopefully will be out sometime soon.

Stay tuned for more news!!!

Big News for fans of Port Victoria!!!

Big News for fans of Port Victoria!!!
3 serialized Port Victoria stories are coming, later in 2014.

Coming up from Pro Se Productions is a new era in short Pulp Fiction and I’m fortunate to be a part. Below is the press release from Pro Se, announcing a new monthly program.

Starting this summer, I’ll have 3 serialized stories featuring characters from the Port Victoria universe. Each story will consist of 4 parts that’ll be released 2 to 4 weeks apart. Each will be available on eBook from Amazon. The first, starting sometime in June, will center on Angelina Wolfe, followed by Dexter ‘Black’ Wolfe and lastly Lady Victoria.

I’m looking forward to seeing this in action.


A leading independent publisher of Genre Fiction, Pro Se Productions announces an innovative new Fiction line today.
In 2010, Pro Se Productions debuted as a small press focused on ‘Puttin’ The Monthly Back into Pulp!’ The company originally produced a line of three magazines that featured ‘New Pulp’ short stories, that is stories written by modern writers very much in the style and feel of tales featured in classic Pulp magazines in the early 20th Century. When Pro Se made the move into publishing novels and short story anthologies, it closed the magazine line, only to restart the concept as a single magazine title due to popular demand. PRO SE PRESENTS grew into an award winning magazine that ran for 20 issues, its final installment released in February 2014. With the end of the magazine, Pro Se Productions closes one era to enter another, one that readers got a taste of in December of 2013.
“We are always,” says Tommy Hancock, Partner in and Editor-in-Chief of Pro Se, “focused on producing the very best in New Pulp and Genre Fiction in all aspects, including the format which we present it in. It’s no secret that Publishing in the last five years, particularly for independent presses such as Pro Se, has moved more and more into the digital realm. Not only can readers carry more books around on their Ereaders or their phones, but the price point is tremendously better in most cases over print books. Digital publishing also affords writers and publishers to produce any size work they wish, including single short stories that can be offered for less than a dollar each. Pro Se Productions decided to dip its foot in that pool and in December we held a grand opening of sorts for our new imprint- Pro Se Single Shots.
“The success we had,” continues Hancock, “with the first volley of Single Shots was quite amazing. No one’s getting rich on them, but the interest readers showed in being able to drop 99 cents and get a good, solid short story that they could read in a single sitting was staggering to us right out of the gate. This combined with the fact that our second magazine line had run its course we felt in its current format, gave us a few ideas. Chief among them was the fact that we could take each story that would have appeared in a PRO SE PRESENTS and offer it individually to readers in a digital format. That way a mystery fan could pick up the mystery stories he or she wanted for a reasonable price without having to feel like they were buying other stories they may not enjoy. But an even more intriguing idea presented itself rather quickly.
“The concept of digital singles affords Pro Se the ability to really bring the concept of Pulp storytelling and even, in a indirect way, the idea of recurring tales from a consistent stable of authors on a regular schedule –much like classic Pulps did- into the 21st Century. This kernel of an idea took root with us rather quickly and brings us now to possibly the most exciting announcement Pro Se has made in a long time. Pro Se Single Shot Signatures.”
The Pro Se Single Shot Signature line brings together 38 writers from across the spectrum of Genre Fiction. Each of these authors will be producing either an original series of his/her creation featuring recurring characters and concepts or writing an imprint of individual stand alone stories entitled ‘From The Pen of…’ and the author’s name. Multiple genres are represented, from jungle tales to horror stories to some that defy description.
Regardless if an author is doing a series or imprint, they will all be working on a regular production schedule established based on their own ability to produce quality work. Some will produce stories on a bi weekly, monthly, bi monthly, quarterly, or bi annual schedule. Each story will range in length from 3,000 to 15,000 words. Also, debuts of the individual series and/or imprints will be spread out over the remaining months of 2014, with at least three titles debuting in April.
Pro Se Productions proudly announces the inaugural cast of authors in the Pro Se Single Shot Signatures line. They include:
David Foster
 PJ Lozito
 Russ Anderson
 Sean Taylor
 Teel James Glenn
 Fuller Bumpers
 Tommy Hancock
 Morgan Minor
 Mark Bousquet
 Philip Athans
 Jim Beard
 I. A. Watson
 Joshua Reynolds
 Bobby Nash
 Greg Norgaard
 Mark Gelineau
 J. Walt Layne
 Nikki Nelson-Hicks
 D. Alan Lewis
 H. David Blalock
 Gary Phillips
 Sean E. Ali
 Barry Reese
 Percival Constantine
 Jeremy Hicks
 Logan L. Masterson
 Chuck Miller
 Alexander S. Brown
 Adam Lance Garcia
 David White
 Kevin Rodgers
 Derrick Ferguson
 Aaron Smith
 Frank Schildiner
 Brad Mengel
 Richard White
 Terry Alexander
 Terrence McCauley
Each Pro Se Single Shot Signature Series and Imprint will feature cover art by Artist Jeffrey Hayes.
If the author of a series or imprint chooses to, print collections of his or her stories will be produced at later dates as agreed upon by Pro Se and the individual creator. Hancock also stated that Pro Se will continue to produce stand alone Single Shots as they did in December and again in March.
“The Signature line,” Hancock says, “is a very exciting prospect for Pro Se, the authors and artist involved, and the readers I believe. It puts these fantastic New Pulp tales in a quick, easy to digest format, makes them inexpensive, and opens readers up to a whole host of ideas and authors that they may never have been exposed to otherwise for whatever reason. It may not be the same feel as having a paper magazine to fold up in your hand, but the Pro Se Single Shot Signatures line definitely makes Puttin’ The Monthly Back into Pulp something Pro Se can do in a big way.”
In coming days, news concerning the individual authors and the series and/or imprints they are working on as well as production schedules will be released from Pro Se Productions.
For More information on Pro Se Single Shot Signatures, to be placed on a review list for upcoming releases, or for interviews with the authors involved, please contact Morgan Minor, Director of Corporate Operations for Pro Se, at
To learn more about Pro Se Productions, go to and like Pro Se on Facebook at

Author, Editor, Part-time Werewolf